January News from the I.D.E.A. Committee

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January 2024

Erie 1 BOCES Racial Equity Challenge

Join the Racial Equity Challenge! This experience aims to explore topics of racial injustice and its effect on our organization, our community and ourselves.

Each week during the challenge, you will be emailed a resource to deepen your understanding of the role race plays in our world. 

The challenge begins on January 16, the National Day of Racial Healing and continues 18 weeks, through Remembrance Day of the victims Top's shooting in May. Our goal is to connect these days with learning and hope for the anti-racist future we can build together. 

Take the Challenge

New I.D.E.A. SharePoint Site

In an effort to bring all of the I.D.E.A. Committee's resources, events and initiatives to one place, we now have a SharePoint Site! 

Access the site from MyErie1 or use the link here.

Change to Employee Spotlight

Previously, the Employee Spotlight has been published on e1b.org, our public facing website. However, we heard from you that you would be more comfortable sharing if it was only among us friends. Going forward, Employee Spotlights will only be shared on the internal E1B SharePoint! 

Here is your chance to share your story, we would love to hear it!

 Upcoming Professional Development

Please get supervisor approval before registering for any professional development events. Thank you!

diverse group of hands forming a heart shape with the words racial healing circle

Racial Healing Circle

Racial Healing serves as a gateway to acknowledging and uncovering the truth about historical injustices stemming from both individual and systemic racism, while also addressing present-day racism.

The focus is on cultivating a deeper sense of awareness and comprehension of race through honest conversation and acknowledging our common humanity through the sharing of personal lived experiences.

January 16

4:30 - 7:00pm   | Education Campus: B2A/B   |   Register

IDEA Committee logo over a map with a red bin in Buffalo

Immigration and Refugees in Western New York

Hosted by the I.D.E.A. Committee

Take a deep dive into WNY's history of immigration patterns, with a specific focus on refugee resettlement. Learn about how the demographics of Buffalo and its suburbs has evolved over time.

January 17

12:00 - 1:00pm   | Education Campus: B1   |   Register

3:00 - 4:00pm   |   VIRTUAL   |   Register

More PD Opportunities

red white and blue badge with the text "veterans day"

January Celebrations

All Month National Braille Literacy Month
January 15 Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 16 National Day of Racial Healing
January 16 Religious Freedom Day
January 27 Holocaust Remembrance Day

Stay Connected

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